Presenter – Online


Thank you for the participation in the 7th International Conference in ICA, 2021Since the conference will be held totally in virtual mode, each paper accepted to the conference must be presented by the registered author during the online conference.  The video conferencing uses Zoom as the platform. For more information about Zoom, you can visit here. We have compiled some important guidelines that you need to keep in mind for your presentation.

The presentation only can be given live in the virtual conference room. If the presenter’s internet connection quality might be an issue to run a live presentation, a pre-recorded video of the talk must be played. In any case, the speaker is required to participate live in the Q&A session to be held after the presentation. Questions will be asked through the Zoom chat feature and will be read out by the session chair.

Sessions will be scheduled according to the UTC +7 time zone = Greenwich Mean Time (GMT +7) = Western European Time (WET +7), you can use this URL to check your time zone, insert your location and see your time in relation to GMT +7 –

Any participation issue or change of presenter must be notified  no later than August 8th, 2021. to the conference chairs at The duration for the live presentation is 15 minutes, the pre-recorded video should not be more than 10 minutes, then followed by 5 minutes Q&A session after each presentation.


  • PowerPoint presentation submission: August 15th, 2021
  • Pre-recorded video submission (mandatory): August 15th, 2021

Prior to the Conference

Please make sure that you have a stable internet connection. Wired Ethernet is recommended over using wireless (Wi-Fi).

To participate in the conference, you will need the following system requirements:

  • An internet connection
  • Speakers and microphone – built-in, USB plug-in, or wireless Bluetooth
  • A webcam or HD webcam – built-in, USB plug-in, or Zoom supported devices.

For an optimal experience, the recommended bandwidth is as follows:

  • For high-quality video: 1.0 Mbps/600kbps (up/down)
  • For screen-sharing with video thumbnail: 50-150kbps
  • For audio VoiP: 60-80kbps

Instructions for Presentations

  • PowerPoint
    • General
      • Keep your message clear and brief
      • Use light colors for the background
      • Keep to color scheme consistent
    • Text
      • Use dark primary colors
      • Lettering to be at least 0.7 cm (minimum font-size: 14)
      • Use an easy-to-read typeface
      • Try to avoid ALL CAPITALS text
    • Graphics
      • Try to make the graphics as clear and detailed as possible
      • Limit the use of clip art
      • Be careful with the use of screenshots – the quality might suffer when viewed full-screen
    • Layout
      • Try to limit the number of words per line to six (6) to eight (8)
      • Try to keep all text horizontal
    • PowerPoint Video Recording
      • Follow these instructions to generate a MPEG-4 (.mp4) file from your slides and audio/video

Video file format

The presentation video must be in MP4 format, with a maximum resolution of 720p HD. Please use the following naming convention: SESSION-presenter-last name.mp4, where SESSION is your parallel session track number which you can find in the conference program. You must not exceed the time given for the video presentation, and the file must be under 200 MB of space file.

  • Tips for recording
    • Try to achieve a good quality voice recording by making it in a quiet setting and by speaking clearly
    • Avoid areas that have an echo
    • You can use a good headset with a microphone close to your mouth but try to avoid the direct line of mouth to reduce noise. Avoid using the default built-in microphone on the computer
    • Do a test recording for a couple of minutes to be able to review the sound and picture quality, MP4 format, size, resolution, and bitrate. Make adjustments if needed.
    • Review your video and watch it several times to make sure everything is fine.
  • Instructions for Video Uploading

Through EDAS

To upload your video (.mp4 format) to EDAS, you will need to do the following:

  • Log onto EDAS and click on your paper
  • Click the cloud icon in the “Presentation upload” below the submitted final manuscript
  • Follow the instructions above then upload your video by August 15th, 2021

For the pre-recorded video upload, you have two options:

  1. Upload the file if it was below 200 MB. Upload using the “Choose File” button, then click upload
  2. If you have trouble uploading please send your video to the committee. The video must be sent by email to either by attachment or by sharing the video through Dropbox, Google Drive, or another platform.

At the Conference

The conference will be held virtually using the Zoom platform. We will have panel sessions and parallel sessions throughout 3 days of the conference (August 25th-27th, 2021). Please rename your Zoom name based on the parallel track you wish to attend by this format: P_session room_presentation order_FullName, for example: P_01_01_RahmatMaulana, if you will be delivering presentation as the first presenter in session room 1 and with your full name Rahmat Maulana.

  • Testing your presentation

If during the conference, you want to test your presentation or have a technical question related to testing audio, camera, and presentation screen sharing, you can directly message the conference organizer help desk by the name of COMMITTEE_Nickname on Zoom chat. You will be redirected to a break-out room to be able to test your presentation. Preferably try to avoid the busy hours during the conference.

  • Panel Session

All the participants will be given the link to the Panel Session Zoom Meeting. Please note that except for the panelist, all participants will be muted. Please keep your microphone muted whenever other speakers are presenting or a video presentation is being played. Please join on time.

  • Parallel Session

Once in the Conference Main Zoom Meeting Room, you will be redirected to your specific conference track. You will be able to activate your microphone and camera when it is your turn to present. Please notify the organizer through email if you want to do a real-time presentation during the conference. Please keep your microphone muted whenever other speakers are presenting or a video presentation is being played. Please join the main conference Zoom link at least five minutes before the start of the session. 

Each session will have a chair that will manage times and moderate questions and answers. Please raise your hand if you want to pose a question to the presenter (if you prefer, you can pose a question by sending a chat message that will be read out by the session chair).

  • Breaks

Conferencing, online and in-person can be exhausting! We need to take breaks. We will take breaks. Breaks are built-in to the schedule!

  • Stand up and stretch, get a snack, come back refreshed!
  • If you leave Zoom on, make sure that your microphone is muted during the break.

Changes to your presentation

Speaker substitutions are generally not allowed. If for some reason, you need to cancel your presentation, please let us know as soon as possible and ensure that you provide a recommendation for a replacement. Please note that any presenter changes or withdrawal of oral presentation can be made no later than August 8th, 2021.

Please consult with the organizer in the case of cancellation or inability to attend the conference. In the case of a no-show, there will be no refund.

If you have any issues with uploading your presentation, please contact the conference chairs at As a reminder, presentations or videos that are not received by the deadline will be considered no-shows.

We look forward to making ICA 2021 a success in this online conference format. We sincerely thank you for your cooperation.

Virtual Background

When you live presentation please use official ICA 2021 virtual background. For virtual background image can be downloaded .