Format Requirements

All submissions to ICA 2025 must meet the following criteria:
  • Language: English
  • Format: IEEE Xplore double-column (A4 size)
  • The minimum and maximum length are 5 to 6 pages (8 pages for review purposes only)
  • File Type: PDF
  • Maximum File Size: 3MB
Templates are available for your convenience:

Failure to adhere to these formatting requirements will result in immediate rejection of the submission.

How to Submit Your Manuscript

  • All papers must be submitted electronically through the EDAS Conference papers submission system here. It is suggested that you use Firefox or Chrome instead of Internet Explorer.
  • The decision regarding the acceptance of the papers is at the discretion of the Technical Program Committee. Note that short manuscripts are not considered.

Upon Acceptance

  • The maximum length of an accepted paper is 6 pages. Accepted papers exceeding the normal length may be included in the proceedings upon payment of over-length page charges for each page in excess of six pages, up to a maximum of two additional pages.
  • Upon acceptance, at least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the work according to the published conference schedule. If the designated presenter is unable to attend for any reason, the IEEE no-show policy will apply, resulting in the exclusion of the manuscript from the conference proceedings.
  • Note that at least one of the authors listed on the paper must register for the ICA 2025 to upload the final (camera-ready) manuscript.
  • For all accepted papers, the authors will be asked to sign a copyright transfer on the contents of their paper(s). Then, the camera-ready and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore digital library.
  • Authors will be required to submit the source files (LaTeX or Microsoft Word) of their final manuscripts as part of the publication process.
  • Each registration covers the submission of one paper. Additional papers may be included for an extra fee, up to a maximum of one extra paper.
  • Official Acceptance Letter or Official Invitation Letter will be given after the registrant pays the registration fee.